MASQUE Out + About: TLC's "What Not To Wear LIVE"

One of my best girlfriends, Stephanie (who is a SERIOUS fashionista!), and I attended a filming of TLC's first ever live show for "What Not To Wear". Initially excited, the reality of the situation kicked in and after 10 hours of shooting, we were in a diner eating our feelings. Can we say waffle fries and nutella sandwiches? I don't know how they do it...
On the bright side, we got to meet Stacy and saw Clinton again (Stephanie interviewed him for MASQUE not too long ago), and met Carmindy (whose line with Sally Hansen I reviewed here) and Ted Gibson. Both Stacy and Clinton complimented Stephanie the entire time we were there, and the girl who was being made over was such an amazing sport. 
Of course, because of contracts, we couldn't take too many pics, but catch the premiere of "What Not to Wear" LIVE episode on May 29th. Spot us if you can! 


Tribal Toes


Friday Night Neon Lights.