HEALTHY MIND, HEALTHY BODY: Eating Healthy on the Go

I'm a very, very, very busy girl. Maintaining my healthy eating habits is getting a lot harder as the mid-summer is kicking into gear. To me, it's so much easier to grab a slice of pizza or a nice tall glass of iced coffee than it is to stop at a fruit stand and grab a couple pieces of fruit (they all cost about the same, so shame on me). Thankfully I received an e-mail from Roufia Payman, Director of Outpatient Nutritional Services at North Duchess Hospital, and Topical BioMedics (they have a new partnership) about some healthy snacks I can take on-the-go. These are some of my picks from their advice along with some of my personal favorites:
- Trail Mix of your favorite snacks: I like to mix peanuts, pecans, almonds, craisins, and cheerios! Think dried fruits (not too many), nuts, and natural dry cereals.
- Granola Bars: Make sure to check the label to make sure it doesn't have any chemicals, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup. Also check for the fat and sugar content. My favorite brand of bars is KIND Bars (more specifically, the "Almond & Coconut").
- Nuts: I once heard a tip to put nuts in an Altoids case. It's exactly one serving, and it takes up little to no space in your purse!
- Popcorn: and no, I'm not talking extra buttery. Pop a bag of natural popcorn and throw it in a ziploc bag for a lightweight afternoon snack.
On-the-Go Tips:
- Avoid eating full meals in the car: it's better for your digestion, and you're not swerving trying to eat your food.
- DO NOT SKIP MEALS: and do not go four or five hours without eating. This keeps your energy level up, and keeps you from overeating.
- Mustard, please! If you absolutely must have a sandwich, opt for mustard and oil & vinegar instead of mayo and special sauces.
- Stay hydrated. Not only does water keep you cool, it flushes your system of toxins, curbs food cravings, keeps you from overeating, and helps with jet lag.
How do you keep healthy on-the-go? What are your favorite snacks to pack for the day? Share!

HUGE navabi Summer Sale x my feature!
