HAIR: Homemade Deep Conditioner

I've resolved to take better care of my hair. With protective styles for well over six months, I have made no efforts to maintain a healthy head of hair. I'm promising to not continue down this dry, brittle road. No mas!
Having been confined to my home while on Hurricane Sandy watch, I decided to reach into my fridge and make a deep conditioner. I ran out of liquid conditioner and all the stores in my area were closed, so I honestly didn't have much of a choice.
Olive Oil - penetrates the hair follicle and is a well-known moisturizer
Egg - rich in protein, which rebuilds hair follicles. Strong hair follicles lead to less split ends
Avocado - chock full of fatty acids, much like olive oil. Known to make hair shiny and healthy
Banana - minimizes shrinkage, stretches hair, softens AND provides slip for styling
Mayonnaise - contains L-cysteine, an amino acid that makes up 18% of hair that aids in hair shaft strength and density
When creating this conditioner, make sure the banana and avocado are extra ripe so the mash easily. I also recommend throwing all the ingredients in a food processor/small blender if available - the hardest part of this was making sure there were no chunks!
Once the conditioner is made and applied to hair, cover with a shower cap (or a plastic bag like I did) and a warm towel for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Wash out and proceed as usual. 
What are some of your homemade conditioner tricks? 

OUTFIT: Weekend Chill (iPhone Edition)


NYC: East Village Eats Tasting Tour 2012