TRAVEL: New Orleans

It has always been a dream of mine to visit New Orleans. My inner gypsy has always fantasized about making a trip to a mystical place full of jazz, art, architecture, food...legitimate sensory overload. There is not a single word that I can find to accurately describe my experience here, just know that it's someplace you need to be. 

 The vintage shopping here is Head to Magazine Street for tons of vintage boutiques, including Buffalo Exchange where I found the dress I wore to Beaumarchais Jazz Night last week.

My friend Devin is beautiful and incredibly talented - every musician we passed, he stopped and sang (and always had a crowd!)

Hush Puppies and Po' Boys - need I even say anymore. 
Our host and my awesome roommate from college, Deb; Devin, and me.

The best pieces of this trip are permanently etched in my mind; I was too busy enjoying myself to take all the pictures I could have. Fresh off the plane, we headed to Les Bon Temps Roule to see the dopest brass band I've ever witnessed - The Soul Rebels (who will be in NYC in February at Brooklyn Bowl, join me?). An incredible way to set off our trip, this band managed to capture the entire essence of New Orleans in an hour set. "Lotus Flower Bomb" on the horns? Stop. It.

We also ran into Joshua Ledet of American Idol fame at The Cat's Meow, a famous karaoke bar on Bourbon Street. That guy is a good time.

This is certainly not the last time I'll be in New Orleans, but I'm glad I made that initial excursion. There's so much to discover, I look forward to the journey. And I leave you with Soul Rebels...because I can.



The Ultimate NYE Dress Guide via HELLOBEAUTIFUL


OUTFIT: #JazzTuesday at Beaumarchais