HEALTHY: Beyonce GQ Cover x Hourglass Workout

Unless you've been hiding under a rock the past 48 hours, you've seen this hot sexy shot of Beyonce on GQ's February 2013 cover. I'm a serious Beyonce fan, so you KNOW I'm living for this photo. Kimye's baby, who? 
Looking at her body got me to thinking about the workouts I've started implementing - while I want a healthy heart, I want to maintain my hourglass figure! I wanted to share two of my favorite, totally feasible, at-home hourglass figure workouts with you...

What do you think of Beyonce's cover? Too hot for a mama of a one-year old? Also, are you going to try these workouts? I promise they're not as tough as they may look!FACEBOOK | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM | TUMBLR


OUTFIT: Black Cape


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