HEALTHY: How to Keep Weight Loss Resolutions

'Tis the season for the "new you" - the "you" that is going to work out daily. The "you" that is going to eat right. Then somehow, by Valentine's Day, you're eating a box of chocolates and shrugging about the shoulda woulda's. This is me, legitimately every year. This is most people, actually.
So what can you do to make sure you actually stick to your resolution?
1) Use Apps. Lots of them. Though a huge distraction, smartphones can sometimes be insanely wonderful in that there are so many resources via apps. Calorie counters, pedometers, meal planners and the like can be used to track progress in whichever form you choose. My favorite is Spark People.

2) Set realistic goals. Realistically, you are supposed to lose 1-2 pounds a week. Crash dieting and wicked workout routines usually lead to heartache and weight regain (not to say it hasn't worked for some people). Be true to yourself and your lifestyle, unless you are willing to fully commit 1000% to a lifestyle change. I'm not going to go from being sedentary to knocking out P90X and Insanity Workouts every morning! Nothing takes you away from your journey more than disappointing yourself, so be real with yours.

3) Make gradual changes in your diet. They say weight loss is 20% exercise and 80% diet. Make your changes gradually so as to not upset your balance too much. Addicted to rice? Try quinoa. Love soda? Switch to seltzer water. Sending your body into shock may lead to crazy cravings and binge eating later down the road. We don't want that, now do we?
4) GO. TO. SLEEP. Your body needs rest to heal and rejuvenate. Not sleeping doesn't help anyone (and leads to wrinkles, girl.)
5) WAKE. UP. The more rest you get, the earlier you wake up. The earlier you wake up, the more time you have to eat breakfast. The more breakfast you eat, the better you function throughout the day. So on and so forth. Stop hitting snooze, get up, and be productive! 
These are just 5 of my tips (that I need to take heed of myself), but I know there are plenty more. Any successful weight loss stories from 2012? What tips can you share with those looking to embark on the journey for 2013? Share below!

HAIR: Fake (Faux, whatever!) Dreadlocks Tutorial


LOOKBOOK: Carmakoma Spring/Summer 2013