TREND REPORT: 3D Printed Fashion

Once upon a time, I used to work for LG Electronics. We spoke endlessly about 3D TVs, computer screens, phones, and the like. I had a slight reminiscent moment the other day, and wondered about 3D Printers. So I googled it. 
What I found was astonishing. 
3D printing has been at work quietly for years now, and with the creation of at-home 3D printers all you need is a few thousand dollars and tons of creative energy (not to mention a grip on engineering and architecture). 
3D Printing is still fairly new, so I can't knowledgeably go in-depth about the process. The concept though is fantastic, and puts the power back in consumer's hands. Wouldn't it be amazing to print a new pair of shoes?! 

Iris Van Herpen took fashion to new heights with her 3D Printed Haute Couture Fashion Show
One company, Shapeways, makes 3D Printing tangible and easy to produce. You send them your designs and they send you your product - simply done. Pieces they produce can be added to the Shapeways Shop - check out their Fashion and Jewelry items, amongst others. 

1. Vessel Pendant, $40 | 2. Small Hyphae Ring, $14.00 | 3. Radial Necklace I, $66One of my favorite 3D jewelry designers thus far has been nervous system. You can shop your designs or customize to your liking (in doing research, I'm finding most 3D designers allow for custom orders). What do you think of this new phenomenon? Are you willing to indulge in this trend or is it a passing fad? Sound off!FACEBOOK | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM | TUMBLR


OUTFIT: Grafitti x Sprout Watch GIVEAWAY
