HEALTHY: #PSPfit Clean Eating and Fitness Bootcamp

My lovely friends, it is almost summertime. Join me in a quest to get right with the #PSPfit Clean Eating and Fitness Bootcamp, hosted by CeCe of The Big Girl Blog. If you are in New York City, you can physically join us as we meet once a week with personal trainer, Anthony Truly from New York Sports Club, and nutritionist, Abbra Pappa. If not, no worries! You still get the royal treatment digitally, with all the workouts and nutrition advice delivered to you personally. The PSPfit program will teach you the next steps you need to take to achieve clean eating (it'll be very in-depth for my ladies dealing with PCOS) and physical workout habits. I'm SO excited to embarking on this journey with some of my favorite ladies (hey Shay and Meaghan!), and have already started a clean-eating/exercise regimen of my own. To register, visit here (Registration closes April 12th). Hope you decide to join us! FACEBOOK | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM | TUMBLR


OUTFIT: Zelie for She Tribal Print


BEAUTY: Beyonce Midnight Heat