HEALTHY: #PSPfit Week 2 and Emotional Eating

My best friend and I ate a friggin' Fried Snickers at Atlantic City last summer. WHAT.

I'm mid-Week 3 of the #PSPfit Clean Eating and Fitness Challenge and this has literally been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I had a ridiculously intense sugar craving that ended with me consuming half a slice of crustless pizza that began the downward spiral of carb consumption in the form of bread and alcohol. What I'm slowly beginning to realize is this journey to better health is beyond physical. Sure, eating right and exercise is key. We know that. But what about emotional factors?

Growing up, my mom always worked so I ate lots of quick foods. Cereals, ramen, and raviolis were my best friends. I always ate them when I was alone, so I associate them with comfort. Throughout this process, when I'm feeling stressed or lonely, my first instinct has been to reach for ice cream. To combat this, nutritionist Abra Pappa has recommended making a list of things that bring you joy (besides gnoshing). Whenever you are feeling down, pick one! I'm choosing to sketch, read a book, and take walks in the park.

I'm doing my best to move forward - this journey is a learning process that I'm taking one stride at a time. .I'm lacing up my sneakers and getting it together! I'm starting with this #PSPfit video the ladies did. Check it out!

With the #PSPfit group including Alissa, Shaina, Meaghan, CeCe and Abra. We're looking good!

So far, I've lost about 5 pounds which is right on track (the average weight loss is 1 - 2 pounds a week). But, like I continue to reiterate, this isn't about weight loss for me. Joining the #PSPfit challenge was about strengthening healthy habits and getting my body acclimated to regular exercise. So far, so good.

Are you participating in the #PSPfit challenge? Succumbed to emotional eating? Please share, I'd love to hear from you.



OUTFIT: boohoo baby


DIY Inspiration: Anthropologie Jewelry