HEALTHY: 3 Day Cleanse Shopping List

 The beginning of a new season means cleaning up for me - whether it's physically cleaning my space, taking a time for renewing mental energy, or a physical detox. I've been eating like a wild animal all summer and not going to the gym, so I figured I'd take this 3-day weekend as an opportunity to do a detox cleanse.

I've been wanting to try The Skinny Confidential's 3-Day Cleanse for some time now, since Tineey sent the link to me a little over a month ago. Each day is a detox for a different part of the body (which is so awesome), and you get to eat a meal at the end of the day! There's a Liver & Kidney detox, a Green Drink detox, and a Super Colon detox. 
I'm so excited to get started, but I'm having such a hard time picking between a Nutribullet and Vitamix to get the juicing started. Anyone have a preference? Help!
Have a happy and healthy Labor Day weekend, loves.



OUTFIT: Bye Bye Summer