HEALTHY: Making Time to Exercise

This post was written as part of my partnership with Oxygen Network”, subject to space constraints, but without limiting my obligations to comply with the FTC Endorsement Guides.

The beautiful Circuit of Change studio, via my Instagram
One thing that I've completely convinced myself is true, without a shadow of a doubt, is that I'm too busy to exercise. I've actually written up in my mind that I'm too busy for anything if it doesn't fit into my "schedule", or honestly if it's something I just don't want to do.
Last Thursday was the beginning of New York Fashion Week and I knew I'd be crazy busy so I made my way over to Circuit of Change for a "Mindbody Bootcamp" class, which is a crazy combination of yoga, karate, plyometrics, and other fancy terms I haven't quite pinned yet. I figured I'd do it double-time to save myself an extra couple of days since I'd be running around. Because of Oxygen's sponsorship, I was able to get in two classes in one day with the encouragement of Brain Delmonico (the owner and creator of Circuit of Change). 
At minimum, you should be moving for 30 minutes a day. Whether you decide to walk instead of taking the  bus, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or sign up for a class and actually go because you don't want to waste money - keep moving. Learn to prioritize. Instead of sitting on the computer, move. I know it sounds so much easier said than done, trust me. I'm still trying to train my brain to just stand up sometimes, and it's a daily struggle to get 30 minutes in when all I want to do after a long day of work is sit and chill. 
But let me tell you...the gratification of completing 30 minutes of physical activity is so fulfilling. Not to mention the endorphins released will leave you feeling so sweet you'll want to kiss yourself. Try to squeeze in that time that you swear you don't have. Your mind and body will thank you later. 
Be sure to catch "My Big Fat Revenge" every Tuesday at 9 PM on Oxygen Network! 


NYFW: Cabiria Style
