HEALTHY: What's Your Motivation?

This post was written as part of my partnership with Oxygen Network”, subject to space constraints, but without limiting my obligations to comply with the FTC Endorsement Guides.

At my first Circuit of Change class, which I'll get into later.

Being healthy and losing weight is pretty fundamental - eat less, move more. Right?
Beyond your physical person, health journeys are very much psychological. We all know what we should be doing. We all know that fried chicken and waffles isn't good for you. We know ice cream at 11 PM is horrible, and that drinking soda everyday will erode your insides (ew, lol). But we do it anyway. 
So what motivates you? 
What will make you get off the couch and get active? At what point do you decide that enough is enough and you need to be the captain of your ship? For me, it was a weight gain of ten pounds this summer (too much vacationing, while so much fun, left me feeling sluggish and cranky by the end of August). With the turn of the season came a second wind, and I'm ready for my Fall workout! 
I've just started Circuit of Change, a bootcamp sponsored by the wonderful folks at Oxygen Network. My first class was last weekend and it was an incredible out-of-body-out-of-my-mind experience where I was karate chopping, running in circles, kicking in the air, and ending with namaste. A full body workout that left me on a natural high for hours, I would recommend Circuit of Change for everyone. I'll be taking this class for four weeks with some other ladies that are ready to make a change and I couldn't be more excited. Yoga and hardcore cardio in one? Yes, please.

  Again I ask...what motivates you? For some, it can be showing someone who was not so nice to you how much you can actually do what they said you couldn't (like the ladies of "My Big Fat Revenge" premiering tonight on Oxygen at 9 PM!). For some, it's the death of a family member and for others it's proving to yourself that you are resilient. Whatever your reasons, let's hop to it and let's do it!
Be sure to catch "My Big Fat Revenge" premiere tonight at 9 PM on Oxygen Network! My girl Tamar is full of energy is so entertaining, you won't be disappointed. Also, check out their Buzzfeed contest taking place RIGHT now!


