HEALTHY: Circuit of Change in NYC and #MyBigFatRevenge

This post was written as part of my partnership with Oxygen Network”, subject to space constraints, but without limiting my obligations to comply with the FTC Endorsement Guides.
The front desk at Circuit of Change. Honestly, how zen and perfect is this?

I am a serious advocate for plus-size health. It's a common misconception that you have to be stick thin or insanely buff to be healthy. What many haven't taken notice to yet is the novel idea of plus-size women being active. Plus-size women do workout. Plus-size women are mindful of what we eat. 
Which is why when Oxygen Media approached me to sponsor my participation in a bootcamp experience at Circuit of Change to garner some buzz around their new show, "My Big Fat Revenge", it was an offer I couldn't refuse. 
In my mind, this would be easy as pie. I'd go to class once a week for four weeks. I've participated in bootcamps before, but they always end up the same. By week three, I'm lax in my workouts and making excuses for why I can have a slice of bread or a few spoons of rice. But for some reason, I believed my Circuit of Change experience would be different.
But it wasn't. I gained weight. None of this was the fault of Circuit of Change. Brian Delmonico, the owner of the studio, is more than magnificent. Olga, whom I'd taken class with the most, was so supportive (so was Brian and literally everyone that works at the studio). I thought the candles and the dim lighting would relax me, that the ambiance would settle me. That I'd get really comfortable, develop a system, and become a habitual plus-size yogi. But I didn't, and it's because in my heart and mind, I'm still not ready to fully commit to a weight loss.
I'm really comfortable in my skin. Comfortable to the point where I'd lose about twenty pounds and start eating Oreos because I know how to dress my 220-pound body. At the point where I set out to take on the Circuit of Change bootcamp as a confident plus-size woman, to prove that we too can handle a high-impact workout, I wasn't ready. Mentally I was not in the space to wake up early and head to 16th street, or trudge down there after a long day of work. I wasn't quite there yet.
When watching "My Big Fat Revenge", I don't necessarily agree with the certain points. I don't think setting out to intentionally embarrass the person that embarrassed you years ago is effective. Most of the time, the person who taunted you doesn't even remember doing it. BUT, I think it's amazing that these women have found a motivating factor SO strong to push them through their workouts. Having met a few of these women myself and witnessing first-hand the insane passion they now have for fitness, I can tell you that there is much more beyond that stinky moment when they have to make their bully feel like crap. These women feel empowered to a point that I haven't felt with my health journey yet. Sure I push through workouts and have fun experimenting with nutrition, put I still haven't had that a-ha moment. 
All in all, Circuit of Change was an AMAZING experience except for the time I jammed my toe, haha. At another time, when I was fully committed, I could have rocked this. My hope is to one day have the fervor that Bo and Tamar have. 
Many thanks to Oxygen Media for sponsoring me! Be sure to check out "My Big Fat Revenge" on Oxygen Media every Tuesday at 9 PM. 


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