HEALTHY: #PSPFit Bootcamp, Cycle 2

It's that time again ladies (and gentlemen, if you so please!). PSPfit bootcamp is back for Cycle 2, and we're going harder and even more kick-ass than before. 
Just as a refresher - PSPfit bootcamp is a health journey for plus-size women. For those in NYC, you have the chance to physically work out with such a sweet, determined group of ladies and meet with our nutritionist, Abra Pappa, for our chat once a week. She goes through the emotions of weight loss, those days you fail, dealing with hormones, PCOS, and everything in between.  
PSPfit bootcamp was more than just meeting with a trainer weekly, we quickly became a community. This is one of the most exciting aspects that I preach about when I speak on it. The days when we weren't physically together, we supported one another in a closed Facebook group. We cheered one another's food choices, goals that were met, and soothed days when things got tough. Abra even held a conference call every Wednesday for us and provided a nutrition guide. We didn't just become workout buddies, we became friends.
Can't join us in-person? It's all good, #PSPfit is a social media family! You can join us virtually through Youtube, Facebook, and conference calls. Ready?
A PSPfit membership includes:
  • 30 Days of meal plans, grocery lists and weekly Nutrition Guidance in person/via phone from Abra Pappa, Nutritious America
  • Weekly Fitness videos like “Arms, Abs & Inner Thighs” via YouTube to tone, strengthen, build endurance for healthy curves, routines designed by renowned trainers, Personal P.E.P.P.E.R
  • 30 Days of unlimited online yoga sessions from YogaWorks
  • Access to a private facebook group with moderated by the #PSPfit professionals
  • Weekly phone calls with the international #PSPfit group and nutritionist
  • Complimentary Admission to Weekly Group Workouts in NYC
  • Complimentary Admission to Weekly Nutrition Classes in NYC
  • a 7 Day pass to a YogaWorks studio near you
  • and of course, discounts and giveaways from our sponsor, Lane Bryant Activewear (

Early bird registration begins October 11, sign up here:, and grab a t-shirt before they're all gone!

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