REAL TALK: How to be Life.

Admittedly, I'm not quite where I want to be yet. But I'm usually the go-to friend whenever someone has a career or business question, and I always get questions from you lovelies about how to be a successful blogger. And guess what?
I don't know.
Seriously, I don't. I only know what works for me. Everyone's stars align differently, and the cosmos work in mysterious ways. Sometimes folks just luck up. A lot of the time, it's hard work, perseverance, and incredible personality. But I guarantee if you keep my six tips in mind, you will be well on your way to paradise, lol.
1 | BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE You have to visualize yourself within your dreams. See yourself in them, and eventually you will actually be there.
2 | TALK. A LOT. Be vocal about your goals so you're always at the top of people's minds.
3 | UTILIZE YOUR RESOURCES Facebook is not just for stalking. Hit up your friends!

4 | HAVE A PLAN Write everything down and eventually it will all gel together.

5 | ALWAYS REVISIT YOUR BIGGER PICTURE Don't let your space become muddled with negativity. Always remember what you've set out to do.

6 | BE GENUINE ...honestly, no one likes a BS'er.
Check out the video below: 
What are some of your tips for success? Sound off below!

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