#BirchBloggers Book Review: "The Bridesmaids" by Eimear Lynch

Since being whirled into wedding planning, I've been going crazy over every aspect. Should we do a destination wedding? Should we exchange vows in a church or on the beach? What should the guest list cap at? In all of this planning, I've been trying to decide ...should I have bridesmaids?
Ever since I can remember, I've been planning the wedding of my dreams and it always included my girls. As I've gotten older, though, I love my girls too much to put them through the headache of planning parties, paying money, and hustling and bustling for my big day. It feels so selfish! So when Birchbox offered "The Bridesmaids" by Eimear Lynch to review, I couldn't resist because I really could use the perspective.
Boy, am I glad I took them up on the offer. "The Bridesmaids" came to fruition after Lynch was a bridesmaid five times. What do you do with that many bridesmaids dresses?! Lynch had many a different experience with each bride, and took to interviewing 80 different bridesmaids - from nuns to bridesmen. Reading through the stories gave me plenty of chuckles, each one filled to the brim with emotion - whether good or bad - but one story stood out to me the most. The story entitled "The Muse".
For their wedding in Palm Springs, Mark and his husband-to-be didn't ask for bridesmaids; they'd requested muses. The bridesmaid shares her experience:
"I was not asked to be a muse - I was invited...The grooms sent me an e-mail that said, 'In ancient Greek mythology, the Muses were all daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus. The goddesses inspired all creativity and beauty in literature, science, music and the arts. The modern definition is 'the goddess or power regarded as inspiring an artist, poet, or thinker; a guiding genius'. For that reason, we have invited each of you to be Muses at our wedding. You are the women who inspire us to be better men.' "

I read that paragraph over and over again, really letting it sink in. Bridesmaids are not there to be emotional punching bags or to take orders or slave over you. Bridesmaids are your best folks that inspire you and keep you moving. People that you want to include in your union until...basically, forever. It was at this point I decided I absolutely wanted my girls there. "The Bridesmaids" opened my eyes in a way I'd really appreciated.
...needless to say, "The Muse" ends in gold lame jumpsuits and one of the grooms' dads jumping in a pool in his boxers. It's such a fantastic story, haha. But that story really inspired me to think outside of the box for our special day. I don't want a huge extravaganza, I just want my muses.
A huge thank you to #BirchBloggers for offering "The Bridesmaids" to review!

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Plus Model Magazine August Denim Issue