How to Look and Feel Your Best!

 "This post was sponsored by Progresso™ through their partnership POPSUGAR. While I was compensated by POPSUGAR to write a post about Progresso™, all opinions are my own."
Naturally, at this time of year, everyone is on the “new year, new me” bandwagon and we scurry off to the gym only to be jilted by buffalo wings on Superbowl Sunday. This year, I aimed to be realistic and only resolved to be good to myself – in whatever capacity that meant. A few of my tips and tricks for feeling and looking good?
1.      Understand YOU. NEVER compromise.: Know who you are as a person (and trust me, we are always learning) and what your likes and boundaries are. It will help you with the rest of your “happiness project”.
2.      Do things you’ve never done before: I try to do something I’ve never done before at least once a month. A couple of years ago, I resolved to go somewhere I’ve never been to at least once a year and it completely changed my life.
3.      Surround yourself with positive people and things: Nothing sucks the life out of you like a Debbie-Downer. Surround yourself with good feng shui, think happy thoughts, and keep awesome people around you that will encourage you, inspire you, and challenge you to be better.
4.      Invest in your wardrobe and skincare: Whether it’s purging your closet, buying workout clothes that will make you feel great, or investing in one luxury piece or beauty treatment that you’ve always wanted, investing in yourself outwardly totally helps. The power of perception and the laws of attraction are totally going to be at work here.
5.      Be active and pay attention to nutrition!: I find when I’m active, I feel so much better. I’m not as lethargic, my blood is pumping, and my body reacts to my surroundings and indicates issues more often. The one fitness resolution I did make this year was to be cognizant of my nutrition; as I’ve grown older, I’ve noticed my body responding to food a lot louder and it fights back! As a girl on the go, I’m learning to find foods that travel well like Progresso™ Light. There are tons of flavors and I can just run to the supermarket before work and grab some. Be sure to incorporate quick and easy foods (whether packaged or pre-prepared at home) into your daily regimen. It will seriously make a world of a difference.
Some of my tips may sound SO trivial, but trust me when I say that looking good is great, but feeling good is even better. Having a healthy balance of both will get you hitting the ground running for the perfect start to a new year!What are some of the things you do to look and feel good?FACEBOOK | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM | TUMBLR


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