Blizzard Berries

During "blizzard" Juno when we were "stuck" inside, I decided to get to cooking because really...I didn't have much else to do. Since realizing I most likely/definitely have a gluten allergy, I've been trying to find alternatives for my diet. Fruit has always been one of my go-to's for breakfast, so why not warm it up on a cold morning?
1 tsp virgin coconut oil
1 peach (or other firm-flesh fruit)
1 handful of berries (I used raspberries)
For peaches: Warm coconut oil in a sautee pan. Spread peaches throughout the pan, making sure that every piece is touching the bottom of the pan. Brown on each side. Remove. 
For Berries: Warm 1/2 tsp of coconut oil (maybe even less) and drop berries in pan. Let them warm for one minute, then take a fork and mash up berries. Warm for another minute and top the peaches.
I used coconut oil to bring it a light, nutty flavor. Using vegetable oil or olive oil would have ruined the texture of the fruit and just make it heavy. 
I paired the fruit with some Bear Naked granola, which I actually didn't end up eating. The fruit and a cup of green tea was actually quite filling. I was trying to go for a "comfort food" feeling without the sugar, though I did add honey to the granola.
Anyone else gluten-free and have any suggestions for me? This has been quite the process of elimination, figuring out what works for me and what doesn't.

Lady in Red


LOOKBOOK: Love Yours