AIRBNB Review: Paris, France
When I were little, I'd always fantasize about being in Paris sitting in a huge window sipping coffee. So when I booked my flight to Paris, I started searching far and wide to manifest my dream. I knew I wanted that view and I wanted to live like a local. Naturally I started looking at AIRBNB Paris.
Check out the apartment here. Click here for $35 off your next AIRBNB trip!
I was traveling alone, so I had to make an economical choice since I didn't have friends to split costs with. I didn't want to exceed $150/night, which presented a problem. Beds in Paris are so tiny, and I couldn't find a place that had a bed bigger than a twin in my price range. Then, by happenstance, I found Paris Celeste located in the 9th arrondissement.This cozy bed and breakfast is the epitome of an AIRBNB. Cozy, quiet, private and absolutely stunning. The fireplace? A charming touch. The bathroom? Quirky and fun. The bed? damn comfortable. And the window.
This bed is insane. It was so comfortable, I slept like a baby. I actually felt like I'd slept half of my trip away. If you're traveling with someone else, the bed splits into two twin beds. Topped with so much fluff-and-stuff, I'd be willing to just share a bed with my travel buddy. I will sacrifice for the full effect of it all. A bed is something I cannot skimp on when I'm on vacation. If I were traveling to Europe, I wanted the experience 100%.
I spent a lot of time at this window. The balcony does not fit a table and chairs like I'd imagined, but I was able to bring a meal and a drink to the window and enjoy the view below. Speaking of the view, this street is tiny and quaint. There's a restaurant and a boutique across the street, and a street bazaar over the weekend. This seems like a family-friendly neighborhood with the number of shops and supermarket right next door.
While I were in Paris there were quite a few rain showers. I sat in the balcony and listened to the pitter patter...This tiny bathroom was a joy to wake up and walk into every morning. The juxtaposition of the bright palm print wallpaper is almost comical against the muted, classic Parisian vibes. I appreciate the cheekiness, this is definitely my aesthetic. The bathroom has a functional window that, when open, looks into the side of the apartment the owner and her family live in. It's stocked with lots of pretty Parisian bath products and paper. There's even a heated towel rack which I loved because it got chilly during my stay.
This fireplace really grounds the space and served as a beauty shelf for me. The bubble light fixture on the left was my best friend the first couple of nights - I had a hard time falling asleep, don't judge me!
Overall, this was a fantastic stay. The room's kitchnette is fully equipped with a coffee machine, there was fresh fruit in the sitting area, and a television for your entertainment. Flavie and her family were so accommodating and the foyer that separates the space from the rest of the home was great! The one deterrent is that there are no locks on the doors, which made this American very nervous for a couple of days. I absolutely, hands down recommend this apartment for your next trip to Paris!