Planet Fitness + New Years Resolutions

At some point in the past three months, I've become perpetually cranky. And very, very tired. I feel like I'm moving in a huge vat of marshmallow fluff. I haven't been eating the right foods, I've definitely been eating at the wrong times, and I haven't been drinking water. I also have not engaged in much physical activity, and I'm feeling it.

As I do about every six months or so, I teamed up with Planet Fitness to share their promo for January. Their "$1 to sign up, $10 afterwards" plan is one of their most popular. I'm sharing because I'm not trying to set you up to fail. I share because it's a motivating factor for me as well.

Being plus size does not mean being sedentary, at least for me anyway. Though I've been plus my entire life, I'm usually active. I like to dance. I like to lift weights and I like walking around town - in New York City, it's fairly easy to walk around without feeling like you've extended yourself for miles. For my personal well-being, I need to do this more often. Moving is therapeutic for me. And the blood and oxygen flowing actually helps calm me and reduce stress. So I'm making a promise to myself to do it more. It doesn't have to happen in January, but it has to happen soon (I don't believe in making resolutions just to make them).

I love Planet Fitness, I'm a member of the club on 35th Street in Manhattan. I usually go in the AM to avoid any crowds, and they have lots of really great machines that I never have to fight anyone to use. I'm actually obsessed with the place, lol, and I miss it. Big time. So I'm going to visit it soon. Not to lose weight, but to keep my body in check.


Fringe Jeans


Faux Fur, For Sure