When I first started blogging in 2009, I wasn't focused on fashion in the slightest (mostly because there weren't a ton of options in my size and I didn't think people wanted to talk about what fat girls were wearing). I wrote about it sometimes, but I was mostly a music and NYC lifestyle writer. Music has always been a second love of mine, so this is a pretty natural thing I'm doing here. I promise.

Almost everyday at this point, I take a screenshot of what I'm listening to and share it on Instagram Story. The response has been so great (and totally unexpected), so I figured why not make this consistent content for you, yenno? A follower actually prompted me to start a Music Monday last week, so here we are.

Presenting to you Music Monday | 01. This is a random collection of 15 songs that generally make me happy and remind me of summertime. Not the rowdy block party summer, but more the chill rooftop with a Corona kinda vibe.

Hope you enjoy, and subscribe to me so you can stay up to date on playlists :)


Wedding Be My Guest


Hit 'Em With The Shoulder