Setting 2018 Intentions

Dear 2018,

Thank you in advance.

I won't lie - 2017 shat in my cornflakes. It was the best of times and the worst of times. I had some career highs and some very personal lows and I made some very tough, stressful decisions. And guess what? I don't apologize for anything. I regret nothing. Mostly because I believe wholeheartedly in everything happening for a reason, and have faith in knowing a higher power won't bring me to something that I can't manage.

So here we are, a new year with new rules. 2018, I already love you so much whether you build me up or break me down because I know in either of those things I will find the best version of me.

In 2018, I be extra. And by this I don't mean just wearing a fur coat to the bodega. I mean doing things that I usually think are outlandish or people will judge me for. I want to be extra in the best way - especialy creatively. I haven't pushed myself there in a long time and I'm ready for it. I'm vowing to live unapologetically because I only have one life to live. Why not do it with a bang?

In 2018, I ask for help. This is one of my biggest setbacks. I am so proud it hurts. Self-sufficient to a detriment. This year I will not be afraid to hire a team if I need to and I will not be too embarrassed to tap into my resources. It takes a village.

In 2018, I invest in myself. Alludes to the aforementioned. An investment in help frees up more time for me to invest in myself personally. Investing in myself means more regimented personal time, whether thats sweating a little bit or allotting an hour for face masks, a bath and a good book. Literally investing and focusing on my financial health is going to be crucial as well (I have a friend that won't shut it about cryptocurrency, so that one's in his honor, haha).

In 2018, I see more. Last year I traveled quite a bit - mostly on my huge trip to Italy with my girlfriends. And I'd like to experience more of that, and not necessarily abroad. I want to get out and around my town more, and hit more cities domestically than ever. How is it that I've never been to Texas! Or San Francisco! I'm putting them on the list. I also really just want to literally be seen and spend more face time with the people I love and care for because what are we without our squad?

In 2018, I believe. To believe in the good in people, to not be so cynical. To believe that I CAN DO THIS.

In 2018, I love Kelly and all that she is.


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