Dress Rules Rewritten

I’ve always been one to march to the beat of my own drum, so my style comes as no surprise to those that know me well. I love to take rules and spin them on their head, and fashion is no exception. When Simply Be tasked me with rewriting the rules, I had to ask myself “if there were no holds barred where would I wear a gown?”. Obviously, to run errands.plus size formal dress fun editorial

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I think every woman should own at least one dramatic piece in their wardrobe that they pull out for special occasions. But sometimes it’s fun to pull things out and wear them for fun. Fashion has no rules! Imagine how incredible (and honestly, hilarious) it would be if we all wore gowns to do mundane everyday things.plus size summer dress formal

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Styling Tip: I like to wear headwraps to take outfits to the next level. There’s such an air of regalness and confidence when wearing them. They literally feel like crowns and I find that I walk with my head just a little higher when I don one.plus size summer dress formalWhat are some ways you’re planning to break fashion rules this summer? Check out Simply Be’s summer dresses collection for some inspiration!


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