WHAT is this Adult Acne?

It all started around the end of the summer. I'm not sure what happened, but by the time I received an email to walk in a fashion show for New York Fashion Week in September I couldn't even touch my face. My adult acne was so open and so sore, the mere touch of a pillow against my skin made me cry. I ran to my aesthetician and she extracted as much as she could and prescribed me a rotation of about eight products, and my skin eventually calmed down. But that was just the head of the storm. 

Throughout the next few weeks, my face felt like I had topical ulcers and every morning I woke up with more and more cystic acne. My once makeup-less face now couldn't walk to the corner store without at least one layer of foundation. I was confused and felt defeated...and I'm still here.

As someone whose job is their face, and frankly someone who didn't have acne as a teenager, this has been a serious pain point for me. And I've been hiding behind Facetune and photoshop to smooth out bumps and liquify dark spots. I'm not insecure about much, but this is taking me for a loop. I can't figure out why this is happening, and I'm trying to do the most research I can. So far, the biggest takeaway I've found is:

Adult acne is common. A lot more common than you think. 

I don't want to give a full medical breakdown of what's going on, but it seems the biggest culprit of adult acne is a hormonal imbalance. So I'm trying to find natural ways to get my rhythm back. 

Is anyone else suffering from adult acne? What are some of your solutions?


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