OUTFIT: Finding Independence



  •  not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion,conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker.
  •  not subject to another's authority or jurisdiction;autonomous; free: an independent businessman.
  • not influenced by the thought or action of others:independent research.
  • not dependent; not depending or contingent upon somethingelse for existence, operation, etc.
  • not relying on another or others for aid or support.

25 years of age has been such a transformative year for me. I am in the early stages of assessing where I am with my career, relationships, education, etc. and there is one common denominator -  independence. Being responsible for oneself is what many my age struggle with; once there is a firm grasp on that reality, the rest is cake. Or is it? 
I struggle every single day, trying to figure out who I am. What I want. As we reach the (semi) mid-year mark, it's time for a summer clean up. Let off that steam. Get rid of that friend you don't need. Start that side project you've been mulling over for months. Say those things that you never had the courage to say. Make room to pocket the gems of the person that you really are.
...I happened to take a break from writing this post to read a note from Frank Ocean where he speaks on his first love (a male) and how it changed his life. The courage it takes to admit that to ones self is tremendous. I invite you all to be honest with yourselves, to assess your situations, and really know what it is to be free. 
Life is what you make it. Be Honest with it. Happy Independence Day.

Top: thrifted
Jeans: Kmart Fashion 
Shoes: Isabel Toledo for Payless
Keeping with the "Big Fat Summer Challenge", I wore something today that I usually wouldn't. I don't ever leave the house without being covered up, but I was so comfortable outside with my shirt tied in a front knot. Maybe I'll try it again with larger ones!


Sometimes, You Need to Get Away...


REVIEW: Roger Hotel