Sometimes, You Need to Get Away...

Me and one of my best girlfriends (and roommate from college!) ventured out to Atlantic City last weekend as a last-minute getaway. In the many years we've known one another we've NEVER gone on a trip, so this was long overdue.
So much to doooooooo....
It was SO nice to get to the beach, I haven't been in YEARS. Literal YEARS. 

This deliciously horrific object is a fried snickers. NEVER IN YOUR LIFE SHOULD YOU CONSUME THIS actually you should, it's so damn good but so not healthy. We took two bites and threw it away, the heavens wouldn't allow us to eat anymore.

My gorgeous friend, she's something else. I wish I snapped more pics of us, but we were too busy enjoying ourselves to really care about the camera. Sometimes it's nice to leave the good 'ole Canon home.
What have you all been doing to relax so far this summer? Beaches? Barbecues? Has anyone started to embrace the "Operation: Clean up my Life" mantra I put out on Independence Day? I want to know!

OUTFIT: I have no title.


OUTFIT: Finding Independence