OUTFIT: Made in America Festival

I have a guilty pleasure - musical performances are it for me. I've been known to just walk into random venues here in NYC to catch an indie show. Live bands just really catapult me into another dimension. Anyway...
My buddy Izzy and I headed to Philly this weekend for the Made in America Festival, hosted by Jay - Z and Budweiser (all thanks to a friend of a co-worker!). I've been dying to cross Jill Scott and Drake off my "I-must-see-these-folks-before-I-die" list, and to see both of them in one day was beyond. 
When I'm going to things like this, I like to keep it very relaxed. I threw on a t-shirt, cuffed the sleeves, put on a long skirt (I don't think I could have handled jeans in that humidity!), and a pair of skips. Simply done.
I kept my outfit very minimal (and patriotic, whaddyaknow?) because I knew I'd be walking around for literally 24 hours. Another story for another day. I've been obsessed with the idea of wearing men's clothing lately, so I started with a t-shirt. Men's t-shirts, for some reason, are so fuss free and durable. I prefer them over Women's anyday.
Speaking of menswear, check Izzy out! He's perfected the craft of the "I'm-too-sexy-to-button-my-shirt-look" along with the knee high socks. Funny enough, he's in red white and blue too (and throw in a little black for good measure). He kept all his belongings in his Baggu backpack, which is honestly one of the most versatile bags I've seen to date. It dresses up and down so easily. 
T-Shirt: H&M Mens
Skirt: Thrifted
Skips: H&M
Jewelry: H&M
Belt: Lord & Taylor, vintage

I thought this guy was adorable.

Were any of you all at the festival or did you watch the live stream at home? Did you love it? I know I did!
Summer's officially done!

LOOKBOOK: Asos Curve AW '12


Bye, Bye Summer!