Branding 101: What is Personal Branding and How to Build It

In this case, the product is YOU. And your brand is how people perceive you and your person. When people think of you, what are the first few words that come to mind? That is your brand.
So why is this important? We live in the age of impressions. An age when most times the only way someone is interfacing with you from behind a screen. My grandmother always told me to look my best when I have company, so why not do the same for my personal brand? And that doesn't mean photoshopping Instagram photos - sometimes, not being at your best is a great thing. Being vulnerable, being honest and open. People dig that. 
I'm currently studying Brand Management at Fashion Institute of Technology. Combined with an undergraduate degree in Public Relations, my biggest takeaway from all of my schooling has been this - be human. In 2014, it's important to be able to relate to your audience. Make them feel as if they are a part of your experience.
So...halfway into writing this post, Complex Magazine posted an article from SXSW entitled "10 Ways to Establish A Successful Personal Brand on the Internet" and I thought it was relevant so I'm sharing with you
How to Build a Personal Brand?
1) Be Consistent: KEEP DOING WHAT YOU DO. Acting? Keep auditioning and trying to land roles. Blogging? Keep up with posting. Whatever it is, keep doing it. 
2) Be Innovative. Experiment with different forms of expression: I always say, "not everything is for everybody". Some people are great at YouTube but aren't the best bloggers and vice versa. Some artists are great at painting but not so great at drawing. Experiment with different things to see what works for you. You may not be the first person to do something, and you certainly won't be the last. But try to find a way to do things your way.
3) Make Sure Your Message and Image are Clear. This goes along the same vein of consistency. For bloggers in particular, your images literally need to be clear! Saving images for web and high photo resolution are so key. Not so literally, be very cognizant of what you say as being hypocritical is sure to turn your audience off. Also, stick to your values. Be unwavering in your beliefs. Nothing is sexier to an audience (in a non-sexual way) than someone who is willing to stand up for what they believe in. 
4) Connect with like-minded individuals and brands. Whether in a mentoring capacity or a peer situation, taking cues from like-minded personal brands and connecting with companies that share the same values as you will catapult your personal brand into the stratosphere. This world thrives on going viral - once someone becomes hep to you and it catches on, the world is your oyster, baby. I always think it's great, too, to take a look at your peers for inspiration and motivation.
These are my four tips that have worked for me that can get you started well on your way to personal branding. Anything else you'd like to share? What works for you?

STYLE INSPIRATION: Andrew Gn Fall 2014


Food: Low-Cal, Low-Carb Paleo Egg Muffin Recipe