2014 Reflections: New Year, Same Me

2014 has been such an amazing year of transition for me. I moved out and moved in with my boyfriend (you can see my boxes in the back!), I'm now engaged to be married, I've made some great new friends and lost some old ones, and took a bit of a mental break which blossomed into a state of total control. I came into 2014 completely broken by the loss of my grandmother on New Year's Eve; her physical transition was representative of my figurative one. I'm pretty superstitious and knew that how I came into the year was how I was going to spend it and I was fine with that.
Remember my new year's post from last year? All of those basic principles will remain the same. Going into 2015, I have no expectations and will not be putting any pressure on myself. I am keen on prioritizing what my definitions of "happiness" and "success" are. It's not about how many followers you have or how many free items you can get. It's about the heart. The accomplishments are worth much more when your spirit is full of love and complete joy. Nothing is done in vain if you are deep within your understanding of self.
So, cheers to 2015. To living life unapologetically and genuinely!

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