Designer Watch: Shop Majour

I love the brilliance of plus size independent designers and shops. Because of the limited options we have (with the options that are available are mostly one-note), certain designers and shops push their creativity. When Shop Majour landed in my inbox, I was absolutely blown away. There's nothing absolutely nothing mundane here
Bad Girl Bandage Dress, $135

While the bodycon dress with mesh insert isn't groundbreaking, it's refreshing to see this creative execution. It's so Plus-Size Barbie.

Mad Max Dress, $125 and Stellar Peplum Dress, $125

Shop Majour's Spring 2015 collection is not for the faint of heart; for women who love to make a statement and have a bold sense of style. The particular appeal for me is that all of the Shop Majour in-house items are limited edition, so it'd be close to impossible to find someone else in your outfit!

If you're looking for some more Majour vibe, check out Majour Magazine.



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