A Little About Me

Green set, Zelie for She

Back when I was in high school, we would forward email questionnaires to learn more about one another. It was always fun to see how people's answers changed throughout the school year! So when I came across this questionnaire from Let It Be Worn I had to fill it out, if only for nostalgia's sake.

1. What is your middle name? Augustine! Everyone thinks it's my last name, haha.

2. What is your favorite drink? This is going to sound totally insane, but my favorite drink is Goya mango nectar with seltzer. Or apple juice, whichever is around.

3. What is your favorite song at the moment? "Perpetual Nights" by Maxine Ashley. She has such an amazing voice and is SO unassuming.

4. What is your favorite food? Chicken and waffles, all the way.

5. What is the last thing you bought? A pink motorcycle jacket from River Island. I can't wait until I have it!

6. Favorite book of all time? "Americanah" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche. I've read it more than once. Oh, and "Flyy Girl" by Omar Tyree, lol.

7. Favorite color? I love orange and yellow, I'm a sunny kind of girl.

8. Favorite perfume? I'm so seasonal when it comes to perfumes! Right now it's Dolce & Gabanna Pour Femme.

9. Favorite holiday? I'd say Christmas, my birthday is five days before. I love getting into the holiday spirit with decorating and food, the whole nine.

10. Are you married? Not yet! This summer :)

11. Do you speak any other language? I understand spanish (by default, I grew up in The Bronx haha) and french.

12. How many siblings do you have? Technically, I have three brothers and a sister. But I've only recently connected with three of the four.

13. What is your favorite store? I practically live in H&M, but I think it's by default. There's SO many of them in NYC!

14. Favorite restaurant? hmm, I don't think I have one. I love seafood and thai, though. So really, anywhere that does that well.

15. Favorite movie? "Gattaca", "The Wiz", "Pride and Prejudice" and "La Belle est Vie".

16. Favorite TV Show? Right now, it's "The Slap" (the original version), "Nashville", and "Broad City".

17. How tall are you? 5'7''

then I added a couple of my own...

18. What's your favorite thing to do on weekends? Sleep and blog. That's it, lol.

19. What's your favorite quote? "Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly" - Langston Hughes

20. What's the first thing you do in the morning? Check my phone - I'm addicted, sadly.

I'd love to see what you guys answers are! Link me if you do a post :) 

Photo by Elann Zelie



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