#WeddingWednesday: Our Engagement Story

Directly after he proposed :)Friday is the big day - we're getting married! In honor of our matrimony, I'd like to share our engagement story. I realized last week that I've never actually shared what happened!

The Mr. had completely convinced me that we were going to see his good friend Chris Jackson perform at The Knitting Factory. So I put on a pretty white dress and got dolled up because...why not? And I went to work that day like I usually do. We'd arranged to meet one another downtown.
I made it through the day at work in Harlem and I kept texting The Mr. about where exactly to meet. He never answered me, but instead rang the doorbell at my job with a bowtie on and a bouquet of sunflowers (my favorite!). For some reason, I didn't think anything of it. I'm pretty sure I muttered "wow, you're taking date night pretty seriously!", like an oblivious fool haha.
We were going to have dinner beforehand, and instead of taking the highway downtown, The Mr. said "hey, let's go take pictures of your dress for the blog. You look pretty". And who I am to turn down photography services?!
The Mr. drove to Riverbank park, one of my favorite parks in NYC and a park we frequented when we were dating in college. It sits right on the Hudson River and there's a perfect view of the George Washington Bridge. He crept closer to me as he pretended to take photos (to which I snapped "are you getting my shoes?!" haha), and he eventually got close enough to drop down on one knee and ask me to marry him. I was in total shock and couldn't believe that on this perfect summer day, in this seemingly empty park on a Friday afternoon, I was going to get married to my best friend.

After dinner...

We then actually did go to dinner - some restaurant I don't remember - that was italian (my fave!) and we had wine and dinner and held hands and giggled the entire time. We were getting married. Something we'd talked about forever was actually happening. Sweet.
After dinner, we actually did end up at The Knitting Factory. Turns out it was a mix of a talent showcase and an art/fashion show. We walked around and enjoyed the art, bought some fashions, and then...I saw my best friend. And then my grandmother. And then his sister. He'd invited everyone important to us to share this moment!
When Chris Jackson finally came on (and we'd had plenty of drinks and photobooth pictures with our guests), he sang his whole set. It was phenomenal. And then...he started singing my favorite song, "You" by Raheem DeVaughn. And that's when the levees broke and the real tears started flowing. From start to finish, The Mr.'s proposal was perfect. I couldn't have imagined anything better. We slow danced in the middle of the floor as I cried and he held my glittery silver crown on my head.
...and then a fight broke out at the party! LOL
But seriously, it was such a beautiful and romantic day and I can't wait to spend the rest of my days with my old man. Now I want to hear your stories! Any super romantic stories you have to share about your spouses? Leave them in the comments!!
xx, Kelly

Our Harlem Wedding


Lady in the Dragon Dress