SheaMoisture at Walmart?

It's inevitable - every time I go to Walmart, usually for food, I end up in the natural hair section. Honestly, I can't even help myself anymore. My name is Kelly Augustine and I'm a product junkie, at least I can admit when I have a problem.

Before heading out to go food shopping a few weeks ago, I remembered I was low on SheaMoisture's Coconut & Hibiscus hair care line. Light and summery in scent, it's become a staple of mine. Chicken? Check. Bananas? Check. Re-up on SheaMoisture? Check.

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As I'm strolling to the natural hair section, I find the SheaMoisture products I'm looking for but it's way earlier than usual. I look up and I'm in the "General Market Hair Care" aisle. I check around and it's in the same section as all of the other hair products. What?! This is new…but I can't say I'm mad at it. We have officially integrated into general hair care, people. I'd completely forgotten SheaMoisture sent me an email letting me know they were now in this aisle and I should try it out to share with you. Duh, duh, duh.

I go to grab my coconut-ty usual and I see Raw Shea Butter Moisture Retention Shampoo, Restorative Conditioner, and Deep Treatment Masque. After attending the GenBeauty conference a couple of months ago, I've been paying a lot more attention to the ingredients in my beauty products (not to mention what goes into my body), so I go for it and get the Raw Shea Butter. I see "No Sulfates" and "No parabens." The packaging makes it clear that SheaMoisture is made with natural and certified organic ingredients - I'm sold! And after a few squeezes to get a sense of the smell (yes, I am that person), I realize this is earthy and smells just like fall.

I don't know about you, but Sunday is my wash day. I grab a seat on the couch and a plastic bag so I can deep condition my hair. With my 4C texture, my hair tends to get dry so easily so I have to be sure to moisturize at least once a week with something very creamy. My dull strands need something substantial and hearty to get it back to its glory.


After my 30-minute deep conditioning using the Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque (and reacquainting myself with some episodes of "Fixer Upper" on Netflix), my hair was shiny and I had my elasticity back. My curls were popping! The SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter recipe was very moisturizing and restored my hair and scalp back to a healthy state. With my hair at a shorter length now, I am always looking for a quick solution for hair restoration. I think I'm ready for the dryness of the winter season, this is everything I need for a good hair day!


This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of SheaMoisture . The opinions and text are all mine. #EveryBodyGetsLove


Some Holiday Cheer


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