Summer Sailor Stripes

As a New Yorker, I like to keep things fairly simple during the warmer months because God help you if you get stuck in a train car with no air conditioning or you miss the cross-town bus and have to trek across the island in sandals. I like to be as easy-breezy as possible, so when I saw this dress I thought "Great, I can be cute and functional". Awesome!
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Sailor stripes are one of the quintessential markers of summertime - matched with some form of red and you have yourself a naval theme, ladies and gents. Once you add a straw hat you might as well be on vacay in Maine at a crab boil, sucking down cold beers and laughing about the beach and recounting summer's past. But alas, we'll settle for Soho. A girl can dream in her maxi dress, eh?
Tassel earrings seemed to come out of nowhere, amirite? Now that I'm the bald and the beautiful, I'm more inclined to rock a bold earring (even though, let's be honest, I've always loved these things). I picked the perfect summer for a haircut, the statement earring is back with a vengeance! This pair I picked up from Amazon was less than $10 and I've worn them one million times since they arrived. Definitely getting my money's worth here.
Color me biased, but I'm kind of obsessed with the concept of Gwynnie Bee. Being able to try clothes out before actually deciding to buy them is genius to me. The fact that I am freely rocking this dress without any commitment is so fun - I feel like I'm getting away with a crime, or I have some secret that only I know about haha. 
Want in on the secret? CLICK HERE to try Gwynnie Bee FREE for 30 days and to get this and other beautiful dresses for the summer!
Photos by Tineey


I Did It.
