Olay Cleansing Infusion Review

I am perpetually in a season of dry skin. Growing up, I actually got teased for it because I didn’t know how to handle it and the skin on my legs started to crack. Kids called me “alligator skin” throughout middle school, it was horrible. Gladly I’ve slowly begun to figure out what works for me and what doesn’t. I’m the queen of butters and creams! So when Olay sent me their Olay Cleansing Fusions body and face wash, I knew my skin was going to give this product a run for its money. A trust test...

was Olay up to the task?

A few weeks later and here we are. Olay is killing it! The body wash is SO creamy and smells insanely delicious. It distinctly reminds me of a vacation I took to Mexico - there’s a crispness to the fragrance that kicks like the smell of the beach (I know I’m waxing poetic right now, but the smell of this body wash really stuck with me!). It has become my go-to body and face wash combo specifically for morning showers because the freshness wakes me up!Olay Cleansing Infusion Review

Onto how the stuff actually works...look at my face! This photo is untouched - I’m just wearing concealer and blush, really. My face feels supple and plump to the touch directly after using the face wash and I don’t really need much moisturizer when I come out of the shower after the body wash. Of course, that only applies to when I shower and loaf around the house after. I’m not sure I could get away with that if I were heading out.

Overall, this product is so great one of my male friends swiped it from me, LOL! I think that speaks volumes. My #GlowUp has been so real since Olay Cleaning Infusion touched down in my bathroom. Definitely a new summer fave!

Ready to experience Olay Cleaning Infusion for yourself? Click here to find coupons on Ahold!

This post is sponsored by Olay. All opinions are my own.


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