[UPDATED] Natural Hair Wig: Fingercomber Angle Balanced Unit Review

My hair is STILL in recovery mode, can you believe it?! After a big cut in January, I decided to keep my hair in protective styles for the next couple of months. I wanted to keep my natural look and I happened to find the Fingercomber Angle Balanced Unit.
Check out my video review below:
I actually really love this product! The hair texture is very nice, and coils nicely with some coconut oil and a twist out. Some cons, though:
*The Angle Balanced unit needs A LOT of love. When I took it out of the package, I immediately sat down and pulled out the curls it came in based on reviews that I'd seen. The unit had very little body when it arrived. I did a twist out with some coconut oil and it was fine.
*Shipping from Fingercomber takes a few weeks. Mine arrived in two and a half weeks because I used a priority shipping code (enter AKUSHIKA at checkout!).
*The cap is a bit big and there is no drawstring. There are combs at the top and the bottom of the unit. I just added some extra bobby pins and it's stayed put ever since.

So this is what my Fingercomber Angle Balanced unit looked like after A WEEK. The photos don't even really do this situation any justice. It was BAD, VERY bad. The hair was coarse, no matter how much oil I put on it. It was tangled and chunky, and just became a huge frizzball.

As you can see, I have a very sad straighter chunk in the front. Nothing on the site indicated what kind of hair this unit is (now I can tell you it's synthetic, lol). I was preparing for a friend's wedding and wanted to recurl my hair. I put a curling wand to it (and set at 270 degrees, just as stated is an appropriate method for styling the kinky blowout unit). TOTAL DISASTER. I burned the hair to oblivion and ruined the texture....and this is what I was left with. Needless to say, I couldn't take it so I came home and did some havana twists.I won't completely discredit Fingercomber, though! I would love to take a try at the units that can actually be styled. I'm still very smitten with the idea of a natural hair wig, so I may give them another shot.Anyone else tried Fingercomber?


OUTFIT: DanceAfrica in SWAK Designs


OUTFIT: It's a Wedding, Baby!