Feeling Brand New

As major events occur in your life,  your physical and mental bodies inherently transition along with them.In this year alone, I've gotten married, changed careers, and switched jobs within said career. I've also put on weight, sort of lost my parents (more on that later...maybe),  and adopted a kitten. With this came a change in my personal style to accommodate my busy schedule and a serious change in the consistency at which I post on this here webpage. I haven't had the capacity to really do shit the way I've wanted to because things have been happening so quickly that I've been operating at zero-gravity just trying to balance everything.


The great Coco Chanel once said "a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life", and here I stand. I went to Devachan salon (you can see my experience on YouTube here) and let them chop off my hair and dye it purple, which I thought would be easier to maintain but it really isn't (maybe more on that later, too?). But when all was said and done, I felt liberated and inspired and ready to take on new things because I was unshackling at least a couple of chains as they snipped my dead ends.

Either way, I'm feeling more in control and super beautiful, and I asked my good friend and talented photographer Trevon James to capture the moment for me because who really wants to lose that feeling, you know?

A huge thank you to TJ and Anthony Green for getting me right that day.

Top: Carmakoma via Hey Gorgeous!

Fur Stole: Mei Smith

Earrings: I have absolutely no clue, lol


Hey Gorgeous! Holiday Looks


Sister Love