3-Day Cleanse Shopping Checklist


Welcome to "Get Your Sh*t Together Week"!

So badly do I want to spare you the "New Year, New Me" speech, but I have to be honest with you - you should probably try a cleanse right now. A cleanse can lead you into the new year with deep focus and intent while physically resetting your body and leaving you clean as a whistle. I found these recipes on The Skinny Confidential a few years ago, and swear by them until this day.


For these cleanse smoothies, you should be blending. There's so much goodness in the skins of these fruits and veggies that you'd be missing out on if you juiced (I'm sure people will argue with me on this fact!). Smoothies also fill me up more. Definitely make sure everything is cut small though - I blended all of these ingredients  without cutting them once and my kitchen looked like a crazy murder scene. There were fruit and vegetable skins everywhere, and the beets stained my hands and clothes for days!

Fresh 7 Liver & Kidney Detox

3 apples, 3 beets, 3 tomatoes, 3 large carrots, 3 pieces of celery, 3 cucumbers, 3 juiced lemons. Drink 8 oz. every 8 hours.

Benefits: Your liver and kidneys are actually your body's natural detox machines. Without them functioning and filtering properly, your body will hold onto toxins that in turn make you feel like complete garbage. Clean them out every once in a while!

Fresh 6 Green Drink

3 apples. 3 stalks of celery, 3 whole cucumbers, 2 ginger roots (peeled or unpeeled), 3 handfuls of parsley, 3 handfuls of spinach. Drink 8 oz. every 8 hours.

Benefits: There are so many benefits to choose from when it comes to green smoothies. There's a high amount of fiber from the veggies, which fill you up more and the lemon helps break down fats. The leafy greens also give you a nice boost in energy. Your skin will also glow, you will use the bathroom regularly, etc. etc. The benefits are endless. 

Fresh 9 Super Colon Detox

3 beets, 3 large carrots, 3 stalks of celery, 3 whole cucumber, 2 ginger roots (peeled or unpeeled), 3 juiced lemons, and 3 handfuls of spinach or lettuce, 3 handfuls of parsley, 3 handfuls of kale. Drink 8 oz. every  hours.

Benefits: A clean colon absorbs nutrients well. Pretty self-explanatory!

With these smoothies, you should be eating a meal a day. I usually have a huge salad so I'm not starving.

Do you have any cleanse recipes that you can't live without? Please share!


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