Monday Musings

I'd say this past week has been one trying hell of a time. Lots happened politically, but personally my phone broke midweek and I was left to my own devices. Not having a phone for a few days was actually a welcome reprieve. Feeling refreshed, I'm ready to take the week head on!

WHAT DOES FERTILITY LOOK LIKE FOR YOU? Last week, I did an Instagram Live on motherhood as it pertains to women in their 30s, specifically single women. I've been having the fertility conversation quite a bit this year - including a partnership with Trellis Fertility Studio. So when I ran across this article from Refinery29 about the fertility spectrum, I had to bookmark it. I love how open and free-flowing the conversation around fertility has been. 

WOULD YOU MEET YOUR MAN ON VACATION? As I've been candidly open about being newly single and the woes that come along with it, my ears perked up with I saw this article on "vacationship". Call me crazy, but I wouldn't be against the idea of being in a relationship where we met on vacation! A very high percentage of my Instagram audience agreed, haha.

HOW DO YOU EUCALYPTUS? I've spoken about eucalyptus and its benefits around my home before, so I went and grabbed some eucalytpus oil this week for my diffuser. I looked up some more of the benefits, and landed on 21ninety. Excited for more peace and clarity! 

HOW DO YOU MEASURE SUCCESS? I feel like we are constantly caught up in a cycle of discontent. Personally, no matter how many goals I smash I feel like I'm not doing enough. So how exactly should I be measuring success? Loved this perspective from Chriselle Lim


Memorial Day Weekend in the Hamptons


Monday Musings